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Assistants Management and Sales Analytics System

Managing Assistants Simplified

The system automatically tracks sales, calculates commission, generates live reports, and measures performance!  Everything is done using a clean and friendly web-base dashboard.

No More Shift Work

No more clocking in and out! Multiple assistants, called Sextforce Agents, can work concurrently on the same account without clashing! Commission is calculated automatically based on the Agent’s default commission rate. Commission can also be overridden on a sale level (if you have a different rate for selling certain content as opposed to tips, for example).

Sale Proof Mechanism

A simple, elegant and efficient “sale proof” mechanism is used to track Anonymous Sales – these are sales of existing content and products rather than tips. Each Agent can submit a proof of sale. The Agents’ submissions are automatically matched to the accounts’ transactions and await the account owner’s approval. Once approved, the sale is assigned to the Agent and commission is calculated automatically.

Detailed Sales Reports 

Browse or export your sales transactions, or produce sales reports which include sales overview by account, sales and commission by Agent, share of sales by Agent, top spenders, and a special report that tracks how many fans are online on the website and how it correlates to sales!!! You can see the best time to be active on the website and when to best schedule your Agents. Compare reports week vs. week, month vs. month, or any date range to track performance. More reports are added regularly.

Time Zone Agnostic

Full support throughout the system for multiple time zones! It doesn’t matter if your Agent is on the other side of the globe, the system adjusts everything automatically and allows you to view all the data in your local and the Agent’s time zone.


Manage Agents

Add and edit Agents, generate and revoke access to the Sale Proof Submission page


Browse and export your sales transactions by period and filtered by Agent

Sale Proofs

Manage and approve Agents’ proofs of sale

Sales Reports

Generate detailed sales reports

Service Features

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Multiple Assistants

Supports up to 99 concurrent Agents per account, each with own commission settings.

Flexible Commission

Setup default commission rate for each Agent, or override commission per sale

Proof of Sale

Elegant mobile-friendly “Sale Proof” solution for Anonymous Sales

Tamper Proof

Avoids conflicts. Impossible for the wrong Agent to claim a sale that is not theirs.


Work with anyone in the world! Their time and date will automatically get converted to yours.

Track Performance

Tracks sales by day, week, month or any period. Compare sales and monitor progress.

Track Spenders

See your top spenders for any given period and track loyalty when comparing two periods

Online Fans Count

Track how many of your fans are online and see correlation with sales

Friendly Dashboard

Simple and intuitive interface gives you easy control and powerful insight at a click

Contact for Pricing